Happy New Year, friends!
As we enter into a new decade, I suppose it’s only natural to reflect on the last decade. It was one heck of a decade for me and I’m sure many of you could say the same. Once I decided to sit down and put my list on paper I can’t believe how much has happened in the last ten years. I highly recommend taking the time to make your own list and seeing how much growth you’ve encountered over the past decade. I’ve provided a summary of my 2010’s in a nutshell below, and wow, how things have changed!!
Here we go…My 2010’s in a Nutshell
2010 – I married the one my soul loves.
2011 – I was pregnant with my first son and I experienced all the changes that pregnancy brings to the woman’s body. I was amazed and confused.
2012 – I left my career to stay home and raise my son.
I also had a medicated birth because all of “my birth plans” failed. (I giggle as I type “my birth plans”)
2013 – At the beginning of 2013, I launched my very first business, “PureFitMom.” A stroller-fitness program for moms. I realized I really struggled with the stay-at-home-mom gig. While it was the hardest job I ever had…I really missed my brain being challenged in my work. Therefore, I said.. I can do this… I can totally own a business and raise a family.
2014 – Marriage was hard. We went to counseling. It saved our marriage.
2015 – I got pregnant with my second son. I had an unmedicated natural birth with him. It was an incredible experience and a remarkable recovery. I think that was the first time in my life I understood and truly walked through, “waiting on God’s timing.” It was hard but so worth it.
At the end of 2015, I decided to “close up shop” on a profitable business because it turns out, I could not “totally own a business and raise a family” without something giving. (I didn’t understand the art of delegation at this point.) Our baby didn’t sleep through the night until he was 18 months and I had a very active toddler so I was tired this year, so tired. We also built our first home and moved into it this year.
2016 – My 36-year-old husband had a heart attack. We gained the gift of an “eternal perspective” from that event. Ryan left his corporate job to start a company with 2 other guys. We needed my income again in order for him to do this…..I came across Beautycounter and hit the ground running. I had no idea the blessing it would be.
2017 – Marriage was hard again, so we went to counseling again…..It strengthened our marriage even more.
2018 – I overcame my fear of starting a blog and just did it.
2019 – Ryan and I both spent the year chasing our dreams, our boys, each other, and the Lord. This year has also been a year of consistency. We are consistent in our jobs, our marriage, our faith, and our family. I’m thankful for this year, but mostly I’m thankful for this last decade.
What I’ve learned
This last decade…. was by no means easy, but I learned so much. If you don’t go through the valleys, how do you ever grow? I’m grateful, so grateful, for the Lord allowing us to walk through hard times and teaching us to cling to him. I’m also so incredibly grateful for the gifts of my husband and my wild and joyful boys. I have no idea what the Lord has in store for us in 2020 and this new decade, but I trust it…whatever it is….whether it be good or bad, because I know his plan is better than mine.
A piece of encouragement…..
I leave you with two pieces of encouragement as you step into this new decade:
1. “When you start to feel like things should have been better this year, remember the mountains and valleys that got you here. They are not accidents and those moments weren’t in vain. You are not the same. You’ve grown and you are growing. You are breathing, you are living. You’re wrapped in endless, boundless, grace and things will get better. There is more to you than yesterday.” — Morgan Harper Nichols
2. “We grow fearless by walking into our fears.” — Robin Sharma
Happy 2020 friends! I hope it’s a great one for you, and don’t let your fears stop you from what God is calling you to. Walk straight into those fears because you never know what may be waiting for you.
I’ll be seeing you.
P.S. Thanks for hanging around here, and I hope you enjoyed reading my 2010’s in a nutshell. I so appreciate you.
Charity Smith
Tana-Your Marketing BFF says
Well said! It’s the mountains and valleys that define us. I’m excited for this new decade and what He has in store for us. Many blessings to you in 2020 friend!!!
Charity Smith says
Same to you, friend!!