Staying healthy while traveling is important to ensure an enjoyable and stress-free experience. Here are some tips to help you maintain your health while on the go: These are practices I do when I travel as an integrative nutritionist and trainer and what I recommend to my clients.
Stay Hydrated:
Drink plenty of water, especially if you’re traveling by air, as the cabin air can be dehydrating.
Carry a reusable water bottle and refill it regularly.
Eat Balanced Meals:
Try to maintain a balanced diet with a mix of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and fiber rich carbohydrates.
Be mindful of portion sizes, and avoid excessive consumption of unhealthy snacks.
Pack Healthy Snacks:
Bring nutritious snacks like nuts, some fruit, nut butter packs, popcorn, Green juice (without lots of sugar), hummus and veggies, organic meat sticks (grass-fed if beef), hard-boiled eggs, a clean protein bar (few ingredients), seed crackers/hummus. Just think “never a naked carb” always pair it with a protein or fat. Like fruit & nut butter, green juice w/ turkey stick, etc…
Get Enough Sleep:
Ensure you get adequate rest before your trip, especially if you’re crossing time zones.
During long flights, try to sleep and adjust your sleeping schedule to your destination’s time zone as soon as possible.
Use sound machines or earplugs if needed.
Try guided meditation or sleepy story times to help with winding down.
Exercise Regularly:
Incorporate physical activity into your travel plans. Take walks, use hotel gyms, or explore the area on foot or by bike.
Stretch during long flights or car rides to prevent stiffness.
Focus on getting steps in if you don’t have time for actual “workouts.” Take the stairs, park farther away, etc. Many people don’t realize how these little things actually add up and make a big difference.
Stay on top of your Supplements
These are supplements I take when traveling, but I highly suggest consulting with your doctor before taking any medications or supplements.
I take extra Vitamin C while traveling to support my immune system
I take magnesium citrate or magnesium oxide before bed to support regular bowel movements while traveling.
I usually supplement with electrolytes for travel days or when consuming alcohol. I bring melatonin with me when I travel, in case I have a hard time sleeping outside the comfort of my home. (Note: Melatonin can be abused, I do not suggest use of this supplement on a regular basis. I personally only use it when sick or traveling.)
Practice Good Hygiene:
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer.
Be cautious of surfaces in public places, such as doorknobs and handrails, and avoid touching your face.
Manage Stress:
Plan your itinerary with some downtime to relax and recharge.
Practice stress-reducing activities such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.
Remember that maintaining good health while traveling is a combination of preparation, awareness, and making conscious choices. Listen to your body, prioritize self-care, and adapt to the demands of your travel schedule.
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