What is Functional Fitness?
“Functional fitness exercises train your muscles to work together and prepare them for daily tasks by simulating common movements you might do at home, at work, or in sports” – Mayo Clinic.
What are the Benefits of Functional Fitness Training?
- Injury Prevention
- Increased Strength and Mobility
- Longevity
- Increased athletic performance
- Coordination & Balance
- Core strength
- Mobility
Why is Functional Fitness Important for Kids?
Functional training for kids serves as a precursor to sports, life activities, and resistance training later on in life. Functional fitness will help children develop their general body strength while establishing core strength, mobility, flexibility, and coordination.
How much physical activity do children need?
Recommendations for Children Ages 3 Through 5 Years
- Be physically active throughout the day for growth and development.
- Adult caregivers should encourage children to be active when they play.
Recommendations for Children and Adolescents Ages 6 Through 17 Years
- 60 minutes or more of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity each day.
- Aerobic activity: Most of the daily 60 minutes should include activities like walking, running, or anything that makes their hearts beat faster. At least 3 days a week should include vigorous-intensity activities.
- Muscle-strengthening: Includes activities like climbing or doing push-ups, at least 3 days per week.
- Bone-strengthening: Includes activities such as jumping or running, at least 3 days per week.
When should kids begin resistance training?
“Young athletes can begin a strength training program around the same time they begin to play organized sports, as early as 7 or 8 years old if they express interest and are mature enough to follow directions. At this age or for any beginner, strength training is all about building a foundation, not just weight lifting.” – Children’s Health
As mentioned in the Children’s Health article, all individuals need to have a good fitness foundation before lifting weights. I encourage functional training with body weight before jumping into strength training with weights. A good strong core needs to be established as well as being able to resistance train with your own body weight while maintaining good form. Basically, what I’m saying here, kids need to start with functional strength training with their own body weight before jumping into any sort of resistance training program.
Where can you find functional fitness training for kids?
- You may find a program or trainer in your area with a quick google for “functional fitness training for kids.”
- KidStrong is a nationwide fitness program for kids. If your kids are ages 2-8, check out their site to see if they have a location near you. I can’t speak highly enough about this program. INCREDIBLE PROGRAM for kids for functional fitness, confidence building, character, etc.. I could go on about this program for days.
- Performance Course is a program in Texas that partners with schools and provides excellent functional workouts for kids.
- Free Play – If your kids are preschool – elementary age, just let them be kids and take them to the park often. Monkey bars, jumping, playing tag, pretending, climbing, crawling, pushing, pulling etc.. All functional movement for kids.
- FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH TRAINING FOR KIDS – For online workouts for kids check out these workouts I have created for kids ages 5-12.